Flexa Rules and Punishments

Below you can find vital information for Flexa and our Rules and what Punishments you will acquire from breaking them.

General Rules:

  1. Discord ToS Compliance:

    • All members must adhere to Discord's Terms of Service. Any violations will result in appropriate action, including but not limited to warnings, kicks, or bans.

  2. Respect and Inclusivity:

    • Treat others with respect. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of hate speech will not be tolerated.

    • Be mindful of language and content that may offend others. Keep the server inclusive for all members.

  3. No NSFW Content:

    • Explicit, adult, or NSFW content is strictly prohibited. This includes text, images, or any other media.

  4. Advertising and Self-Promotion:

    • Advertising unrelated Discord servers, websites, or any form of self-promotion without permission is not allowed.

  5. Spam and Flooding:

    • Avoid excessive spamming or flooding in text and voice channels. This includes repetitive messages, emojis, or use of excessive mentions.

Text Channel Rules:

  1. Appropriate Content:

    • Keep discussions and content within each channel relevant to its designated purpose.

  2. English Only:

    • To ensure effective communication, English is the primary language for text channels.

  3. No Excessive Caps:

    • Avoid excessive use of capital letters as it may be perceived as shouting.

  4. Use Proper Channels:

    • Post content in the appropriate channels. For example, use #bot-commands for bot-related commands.

  5. No Spoilers Without Warnings:

  • If discussing sensitive or spoiler content, use spoiler tags and provide a warning.

Voice Channel Rules:

  1. Mic Etiquette:

  • Use push-to-talk to minimize background noise and disruptions.

  1. Respectful Conversations:

  • Engage in discussions respectfully. Refrain from interrupting or talking over others.

  1. Channel Purpose:

  • Adhere to the designated purpose of each voice channel. Use the appropriate channels for gaming, socializing, etc.

  1. Moderation of Language:

  • Keep language in voice channels appropriate for all audiences.

  1. No Bot Spam:

  • Avoid using music bots or other bots in voice channels without the consent of the majority.

Failure to follow these rules will result in a punishment handed out. You can read our Consequences below.

Consequences for Rule Violations:

  1. Warning System:

    • Members will receive up to three warnings for rule violations.

  2. Mute:

    • Minimum punishment for most rule infractions is a mute, which may last from a few minutes to a few hours, depending on the severity.

  3. Kick:

    • If a member continues to violate rules after receiving three warnings or for more severe infractions, they may be kicked from the server.

  4. Ban:

    • Persistent or severe violations may result in a ban. Bans can be temporary or permanent, depending on the severity.

  5. Blacklist from Bot Services:

    • Extreme rule violations, especially those related to the misuse of the Discord bot, may result in a permanent ban from the server and a blacklist from the bot services.

  6. Appeals:

    • Members banned for rule violations have the right to submit a ban appeal through the designated channel. Appeals will be reviewed by the moderation team


In summary, we strive to maintain a vibrant and respectful community within our Discord server. The rules outlined above are designed to create a positive environment for all members. It is essential for everyone to adhere to these guidelines to ensure a pleasant experience for all.

Failure to comply with the rules may result in consequences ranging from warnings, mutes, kicks, to bans, with the severity depending on the nature and persistence of the violation. Extreme rule breaches, especially those related to the misuse of our Discord bot, may lead to a permanent ban and blacklisting from our services.

We believe in fairness and equity in enforcing these rules. Our moderation team is committed to maintaining a welcoming space and will handle rule violations with due diligence. Members who find themselves subject to punitive actions have the right to appeal, and such appeals will be thoughtfully reviewed.

Let's work together to create a community where everyone feels respected, included, and can enjoy their time. Your cooperation in adhering to these rules is crucial for fostering a positive and thriving environment within our Discord server.

Last updated