
This is the main moderation panel for the bot.

When executive the command /moderate it will prompt you with asking you to give a username and when you input that it will send back an embed with different options.

Punishment, Utility and Cancel

Upon pressing cancel the embed will disappear and cancel the command.

When pressing Utility it will send another embed saying, Manage Nick, Add Role and Cancel. Cancel does the same as before. Manage Nick lets you manage the nickname of a user and Add Role opens a modal and asks you to put in the role id to give the user.

When pressing Punishments it will send another embed saying, Server Ban, Server Kick, Temp Mute, Temp Ban and Cancel. Cancel does the same as before. Server Ban lets you ban the user, and save messages or delete them, reason they are banned from. Server Kick removes them from the server. Temp Mute timesout the user for the time you specify. And Temp Ban temporarily bans the user for how long you specify.

Last updated